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Topic : New job, and more days off.
Reg. Date : 15/01/2016
Posts : 147
Location : Dania Beach, Florida, United States
Posted : 31 May 2016 - 06:13   Post title : New job, and more days off.
I just started a new schedule, and I have a lot more time off. I still get my hours in, but it's all crammed into 3 days.

So, last night, I got up, and decided to see what was going on. Pointed the bird to the gas station, tanked up, and headed out.

Road was closed to the normal Sunday meet and greet, and I headed down the road to this bar that usually has bikes. Only one. Meh.

Decided I needed some coffee. Stopped in to a Dunkin and grabbed a large iced.

Pointed it south toward SOBE. Traffic was kind of heavy, so I avoided going all the way to South Beach, and instead took a cruise.

Ended up riding across the Causeway, through downtown Miami, Brickell, Coconut Grove, and was still heading south, when I missed a turn.

Cut across, came up the west side of Miami, and back into Broward. I didn't realize it, but I probably spent about 3 hours in the saddle without stopping.

Most of the time I was cruising between 30-40 MPH. Bike ran stellar, and got lots of looks. 92 miles total in 3 hours, just cruising around Miami.

Made me think, it might be worth it to invest in a GoPro, just to do some vlogging of the rides. Some incredible scenery down there, for certain.

Reg. Date : 17/09/2012
Posts : 571
Location : Gympie, Queensland, Australia
Posted : 31 May 2016 - 07:40   Post title : Re: New job, and more days off. (Re: Stretchman)
Hello Stretch,

Looking forward to seeing one of your vloggings of the neighbourhood.

Cheers Alex

Enjoying the Journey